
Demi during her internship in New York

As we speak, Demi is doing her internship in NEW YORK for a sales showroom. First thoughts when she arrived? "HONEY, I'm home!" Read more about her adventure here!

  • Adventure
  • Internship Abroad
  • Studying Abroad
  • Living Abroad
  • Working Abroad
  • North America
  • United States
  • New York
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Hey! Who are you and where are you from? Where do you study/live/work?

Hi! I am Demi and I am from Arnhem (NL). I study Fashion Business at TMO and I am currently interning in New York.

What was the first thing you thought when you arrived in New York?

Honey I'm home haha! I have recently been on holiday twice to NY so it felt a bit like coming home. Especially with the thought that I would be here for 5 months.

What was the most shocking difference between the Netherlands and New York?

The time difference. In the beginning I did not realize that I really lived and worked in New York, but when you are whatsapping with friends and family back home you suddenly realize that it's 6 hours later there. Then you really live on the other side of the world!

What does your daily work day look like?

That differs every day. During market week, many retailers came to the showroom to do shopping for FALL18. Then you are mainly concerned with receiving customers and showing the new collection. I also go along when my colleagues give a training to the store staff of, for example, Bergdorf and Goodman. Then I can watch. Very educational! But of course there are also days when I work at the office for a whole day.

How is the working atmosphere at your internship company?

The working atmosphere here in the office is very nice and open. It is a mix of formal and informal. All departments work here in the same office. The advantage of this is that you can always ask everything directly to everyone! Furthermore, everyone works very hard here, but there is always room for some fun!

Have you ever been homesick? How did you handle this?

At the moment not, but I have only been here for 5 weeks. What also makes a difference is that my parents and a friend are planning to come visit me during my stay here. Also another friend already visited me so that is very nice! Furthermore, I can of course always facetime and whatsapp the people back home!

Do you feel at home in New York? Why (not)?

Yes, I feel at home in NY. In NL I live in the city and I love living in the city. There is always something to do. Furthermore, New York has so many different beautiful places and neighborhoods. You can look up the crowds at Times Square, take a nice walk in Central Park or spend a day exploring SOHO. And all in one city!

Is there a typical local dish that you really can not eat (or really like)?

There is still a lot on my list regarding food. You can eat so many different things here and I certainly plan to try as much as possible. What I have already eaten is a Junior's cheesecake. They are really the best!

Give us tips on who to become friends with abroad. The Russians? The Irish? The Chilean?

With everyone! I currently stay at The Webster Apartments and many girls from all over the world stay here for their internship or job. Although I have only been here for 5 weeks, I have already met many nice girls! This is really a must if you also live in NY for a long time!

Describe the people of New York in three words.

Open minded, friendly and social. The people here are so different than in the Netherlands. They are always in for a chat and are always willing to help you. This can be on the street or just in the metro. You are also always greeted in stores, for example, and you are asked how you're doing.

What did you learn from your experience abroad? Was it the beloved community that you liked? The cheap cocktails? The beautiful nature? Or was your experience less than expected? Details, we want details!

Of course I'm only here for a short time, but what I've certainly learned is that you have to enjoy every moment because time flies by! I am also very happy with all nice and sweet girls that I have already met here! Every day when I walk home with a view of the Empire State Building, I realize that I am lucky to live in this beautiful city! I can not wait to see more of it!